The AAIMES, the Association of African Institutions of the Methodist Higher Education is a membership association of institutions of higher education of the United Methodist Church, or related to, which was created at a meeting of the higher education institutions of the United Methodist Church in Africa and in the days of the 6th to the 8th of September, 2014, in Nairobi, Kenya.
At the time, it was celebrated by the institutions of higher education of the United Methodist Church in Africa, where, among many issues, they discussed the need to form a common forum to share, and a sharing of experiences as well co-operate for the common goal of enhancing the consolidation of the education State in Africa. It was in this perspective that the institutions in question, by mutual agreement, they have created a AAIMES. in Nairobi, Kenya, hosted by the University of State of Kenya (KeMU).
The event involved the presidents of the colleges, seminaries, colleges, and universities, the president of the board of directors of higher education institutions, and experts in higher education, invited by the organizers of the event. The meeting focused on the discussion, and adoption of a Constitution and the Election Process of the AAMIHE. As a result of this process, the Professor Munashe Furusa (the Vice-chancellor of the University of Africa, and Zimbabwe), was elected as the first President of the AAMIHE.
The association also elected a Secretary, a Teacher Also Evariste (Chairman of the University's State-of-Kabongo, in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (drc)), and the three Vice-Presidents, each representing one of the groups on the language's official:
- Professor Stephen Kanyaru – President of the Methodist University, Kenya
- Professor Teresa Neto, President of the Methodist University of Angola
- Professor Nathanael Ohouo – chancellor of the University, a Methodist of the, Côte d'ivoire
In the event that you also put a lot of meetings, workshops and discussions about the possibilities of raising funds to benefit the education of state in the african context.
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